Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A little PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)

Sometimes it's really easy to get caught up with your life; you start thinking that your work is very important, that the circle of friends immediate to you are the only people you'll be hanging out with every night, that you'll never meet anyone new or go anywhere out of the ordinary. Little things trip you up and they snowball into big things, and the next thing you know you're in a funk. If you're a self-aware person, you're able to step back and pull yourself out of it. If not, well, you're screwed (for a while, at least).

Luckily, life post-Yandara (my amazing amazing yoga teacher training on a beach in baja last year) has left me aware of these downward spirals and I've been able, most times, to pull myself out mid-fall. And at Yandara, I met the most wonderful, loving, beautiful people I've ever met thus far in my life. People who share that same love for life and people, whose inner peace shine through a graceful exterior, who always see the brighter side of things, who are always willing to see you for the divine who resides within (there's a bit of god/the divine in everyone/everything, which is why we should treat each other kindly)...yeah, those people are awesome.

I was just going about my business today when I received an email which made me think, "well, i didn't think i needed a pick-me-up, but that sure felt nice." It was courtesy of one of my San Diego yoga friends and I thought I'd share some words of wisdom.

"I hope that you start being better to yourself because you deserve it and you must not forget to love yourself even more now that you are away in China because only you have the power to make yourself happy. "

Sometimes I forget because so often we're looking for other people or other things to make us happy. I haven't been meditating lately to tap into my stock of inner happiness (doh!). But everyday is a walking meditation, and I've been practicing my PMA since being here.

Oh, and just one more favorite...

"I must say that the Yoga studio misses your Goddess Pose...maybe its because you hold the spirit of some ancient Goddess."

No explanation needed for that one =)

Shine on, people. And spread the light.


Stu said...

I like this quote from Evan Almighty and its by GOD/Morgan Freeman =) and I know you like him from Shawshank =P

"Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"

And I thought he mentioned happiness, but I added this one, "If you prayed for Happiness in your life, do you think GOD gives it to you? Or does He give you the Opportunity for Happiness?"
Its our choice to take advantage of those opportunities. Too many people sit around on their asses and complain about the world and their problems.

Explore and Teach on Patty =)

Patricia Benitez said...

Dude, Stu, I remember we watched that at Casa de la Gringa and I remember thinking that I loved that quote.

I just read something I wrote about our San Pedro experience. I think I'll post it up here as a blast from the past.