Sunday, March 22, 2009

Life's too short to be ordinary...

There are sometimes moments in traveling/relocating when I start to have second thoughts. What was I thinking leaving my great job in Los Angeles, leaving behind my amazing friends and family in San Diego/LA/San Jose, the wonderful SoCal cities, the great vegetarian food, my awesome yoga studio, my life as I knew it? And then I start to feel nostalgic, then alone, then lonely, missing everything and everyone I left behind.

And for what? Temporary excitement? Something new? New country, new language, new job, new set of friends, finding new ways of getting around, new hang out spots, new culture, new confusions, new frustrations? Ok, well that's not fair. I am actually loving my life here in China - the new friends and adopted family, the lifestyle, what I do here ("what I do here" is different from "my job;" the job is ok, but I'd rather be somewhere where I felt like I made more of a difference). So I love it here, but at the same time am missing everything I left. And yesterday was my birthday, so a few days leading up to that I started wondering whether anyone back home would remember, would care...(leading up to a pity party).

But then I got my answer. In the form of 48 emails in my inbox and two Skype voicemails.

I heard from my parents and brother, best friends back home, old college friends, grad school friends, ex-boyfriends, Yandara and other yoga friends, travel buddies, Buenos Aires friends, cousins, random and not-so-random people I've met abroad. I got an e-card (which you can thank for the title of this blog) and even flowers sent from my best girl friends back in SD. If I had to describe what I felt in only one word, it would be:


I am blessed. And I am so lucky because anytime I've felt lonely and pangs of pity for myself, the beginnings of the descent into sadness, I am reminded that I am loved.

So this blog is for you: thank you for taking the time to read my words, consider me a part of your life, no matter how big or small. I am thankful and feel blessed to have you a part of mine.

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